Make a difference
City Bird: Vote (final round)
May Bird Count
Why birds matter
2 of 2 reports to be completed by the Zone Captain
This is required information.
Remember to click Submit when you're finished.
Indicates required field
This section contains all the A List Birds (43 species expected to be recorded).
Please enter the number of each species recorded in your zone. The numbers go in the box under each species.
If reporting any large raptors** please include any details in the section provided.
canada goose
Common Goldeneye
Ruffed Grouse
Gray Partridge
Rock Pigeon
Cooper's Hawk
Am.(northern) goshawk
Bald Eagle**
Great Horned Owl**
Northern Saw-whet owl
Three-toed Woodpkr
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Northern flicker
northern shrike
blue jay
black-billed magpie
american crow
common raven
black-capped chickadee
boreal chickadee
golden-crowned kinglet
red-breasted nuthatch
white-breasted nuthatch
brown creeper
European Starling
Townsend's solitaire
american robin
bohemian waxwing
cedar waxwing
house sparrow
pine grosbeak
house finch
purple finch
common redpoll
white-winged crossbill
pine siskin
dark-eyed junco
white-throated sparrow
A LIST Large raptor details may include: species/age/sex/perched/direction of flight/ general location within your zone. Type whatever info is available. This helps identify the potential of multiple records of the same bird.
Details for a list Eagle(s)/ large Owls
This section contains all the B List Birds (difficult to find).
Please enter the number for each species recorded in your zone.
If reporting any large raptors** please include any details in the section provided.
northern pintail
lesser scaup
common merganser
rough-legged hawk
snowy owl**
barred owl
great gray owl
long-eared owl
Boreal Owl
black-backed woodpecker
prairie falcon**
canada jay
evening grosbeak
hoary redpoll
red crossbill
snow bunting
American Goldfinch
american tree sparrow
white-crowned sparrow
B LIST Large raptor details may include: species/age/sex/perched/direction of flight/ general location within your zone. Type whatever info is available. This helps identify the potential of multiple records of the same bird.
Details for b list large owls/falcons
This section is for simply noting any sightings of Rare C List birds, or VERY RARE birds not on any list.
Please type the species and number of each rare bird observed in your zone.
Remember to have a Rare Bird Report completed for each RARE sighting, otherwise it may not be accepted by Birds Canada.
The RBR form is on the Captains' Resources page and
may be completed by the observer OR Zone Captain if you have the information.
rare birds observed
example: 2 rusty blackbird 1 western meadowlark
general Count Comments
Remember to click Submit button when you are finished the entire form.
Make a difference
City Bird: Vote (final round)
May Bird Count
Why birds matter